A message from Melissa and Rich:

We have not always understood the advantage that fate gave us, the privilege and power given to straight, white, middle class Americans.  We did not earn these privileges. We do not deserve them more than others. 

It does not surprise us that many who have been given this privilege feel entitled to keep it or are afraid to lose it. But we must overcome that fear, because the status quo is untenable.

We must change.

It is past time to demand equity and equality - it's time to achieve it. The power and privilege must be distributed beyond the narrow boundaries of our current culture. It's why we focus our company and our energy on organizations working to make this change a reality.

HiFi stands firmly behind these principles and every day we apply ourselves with clear action:

  • All students in the U.S. need to understand the roots and truths of slavery, the lasting impact of unconscionable subjugation. We need to seek to understand, to think deeply about where we go from here, then act decisively in a sharp arc towards justice. We support the 1619 Project, the Center for Antiracist Education, and Stand for Children in the fight for equity in education.

  • Women and non-binary people are vastly underrepresented in technology and even more so in leadership roles. Melissa has personally had to fight to overcome these social structures that don't see women as leaders in tech. We support Global Fund for Women's drive to create gender equity worldwide.

  • Trans rights are human rights. We support Equality Texas in the fight to allow trans-athletes to participate in high school sports in Texas (and everywhere), to feel seen, to be celebrated, to be cheered on, to be loved and feel loved as their authentic selves.

  • Climate change is an existential crisis. The solutions require sacrifice, persistence and innovation. We show up and support SOLVE Oregon in our own backyard.

  • The “wall” on the southern border of the U.S. has never been a practical device but rather a symbol of exclusion, a belittling otherization of our fellow humans. Tear down the symbol. Think deeply to implement and improve reasonable and empathetic immigration policies.

  • We want all who identify as LGTBQ+ to feel loved as their authentic selves.

  • Black lives matter. And everything that statement means.

How we achieve equity and equality requires deep consideration, thoughtful debate, all voices at the table, and relentless action.

In our businesses, in our nonprofits, and in our private lives, we will lock arms, we will take action, and we will change the world.

Yours towards a better future,

-- Melissa and Rich, HiFi co-founders